Welcome Back KCP!
I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break! Our auction ended on a high note and I want to thank everyone for their efforts in this event. It takes the whole village to make these things happen. I am continually amazed by all of you. Over the break our new outdoor blocks were delivered. Thank you so much to everyone who motivated to make this happen, as their arrival was much earlier than expected. The new shed is in, leveled and kids are beginning to create already.
At the end of the month, the Bear class will be going on a Ladybug Walk at Kenilworth Park. This is an opportunity to explore the park through a different lens as we are guided by a naturalist from Portland Parks and Recreation. Crickets are also invited to join us for this experience with their parents. Additional Bear parents are welcome to join on this day as well. My hope is that the weather will be nice and we can have our snack at the park after.
Thank you for all you do.
Teacher Allisen