Class Update – January 19, 2021

I have been looking into forest schools and what makes them unique. One guiding principal of these schools is that children visit the same outdoor space in all weather, in all seasons, at least once a week. With this, they are able to learn the subtleties of nature as the seasons change. A concept of time settles in as growth can’t be rushed.

My family has a couple of places we like to walk to observe nature; Errol Heights and Tideman Johnson are favorites we can walk to, while Oaks Bottom offers a much larger space to explore and the Sellwood riverfront has a lovely little trail that is just right for little ones. When we walk to these places it is not a fast paced walk to burn energy, but a slow meandering as we take time to observe. Today for example, we spotted six different kinds of birds and examined some awesome fungus.

Arming kids with a magnifying glass gets them looking even closer at the mosses, leaves and insects. This is mindfulness as well, slowing down and noticing the small things with your child, a flower that was not there last week, that the browns of winter are giving way to the greens of spring. I encourage you go find this space for your family and take time to delight in your child’s wonder.

– Teacher Allisen

Kenilworth Community Preschool is a play-based preschool that welcomes 3 to 5-year-old children into a creative, warm, and inviting environment. As a cooperative preschool, we work in partnership with families and in connection with the community to help our students thrive.